Thursday 3 November 2011

Arun Kumar Pandey

Arun Kumar Pandey: I have ,after being debarred by face book from making any friend's request,for no reason,have joined google+ and find it very interesting.All are invited to my ddress.Thanks!

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Friday 7 October 2011

I Realized that may be Thomas Edison did a lot more to improve the World ThanKarl Marx&Neem Karoli Baba Put Togather

Neem Kareem Baba,a spritual teacher in search of whom,Steve Jobs had come to India,continues to be a reviered figure 38 years after his death.A recent addition to his band of followers is Hollywood actress Julia Roberts.She changed to Hinduism as she was very attached to Hinduism..
Steve Job's one and only visit to India is shrouded in a bit of mystery.In 1995 Steve shared his India experience in some detail.
In return of fixing some defects in a computer game,he got leave and landed in New Delhi,from where he travelled to Himalaya.He saw baba Neem Kareem giving sermons and the food which was being prepared there attracted him to the gathering.Baba having seen Steve devouring the food with intent,burst into a laughter,as he spoke little English..Then the baba grabbed him with the arms and took him to the mountain trail.Half an hour later they reached the top of the mountain steve saw a little well around a pool.Baba dunked his head in the pool and shaved his head.
But Jobs never understood why the bizarrecIndian baba dragged him away from the crowd and shaved his head atop a mountain peak.He however kept on enjoying his Indian food at ISCON temple during his time of utter powerty as he returned to USA in a Hindu Monk attire.


Steve Told To Students"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something  to loose You are already naked.There is no reason not to follow your heart."Further he says"I can now say this to you with a bit of more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:No one wants to die.Even people who want to go to heaven  don't want to die to get there."
At core Apple existed to execute the vision in his brain.He oversaw every button,every corner.every chime.He lost sleep over the font in the menus,cardboard of the packing,colour of the power cord.His laser focus flew in the face of screamingly obvious commonsense.
Over and over again he took our comfy blanket away.He took away our floppy drives,our dial up modems,our camcorder jacks,our non-glossy screens,our flash,our DVD drives,our removeable lap top batteries.How could he do that?You are supposed to add features not to take them away!Thats just not done.
The I pad has no mouse,no key board,no GPS,noUSB,No card slot,no Flash.The product comes out,the public goes nuts for it,the nay sayers seem to disappear into earth.

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Arun Kumar Pandey

Arun Kumar Pandey:

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